Run, run, run - Lovebug
Welcome to Orion's Arm!!
Credits go to Repth for the template used for this part of the site, check them out before looking at my site!
What is Orion's Arm, you might ask?
> Orion's Arm is a site that will be used for interests of mine, such as shows I like, things about me or my OC multiverse. As of now, the site is still a WIP and will probably be for quite a while, so strap in and enjoy what is here so far!
Here are some warnings:
> Bright, bright, eye ouchie.
> Autoplaying gifs... autoplaying gifs everywhere O-O
> The site may contain depictions/talk of blood, violence, death, various forms of abuse, etc. through art, OC-related things, games or other interests. If such things disturb you, feel free to leave.
> If you EVER see me ANYWHERE with a VC and you tell me to SPEAK UP I will KILL YOU!!!!!