Entry 1 - "Can I be immortal?"


Recently I've had a lot of ideas for all sorts of things, not just my site.

And magically, the motivation to do some of them popped up, which is why I am capable right now of doing this blog page and of working on my OC section, as well as working on my fursuit in real life.

Though, I've also had a few ideas for what I wanted to do as hobbies, but I couldn't possibly invest too much effort into those things because of how much effort is required, which really makes me think about how much time I'd have for everything I want to do, because there's more I want to do in life than art, but there will never be enough time for all that I guess.

Not to mention that I'll have to pay bills eventually, which would likely make me unable to even do the one hobby I can spend time on. It doesn't necessarily feel as it time's slipping away, I just wish that I was immortal.

Think about it, if I could live forever, I'd have all the time in the world to work on my projects, hone my skills for my hobbies and even have time to enjoy myself and take a break. That'd be GREAT, I just wish that it was possible for me to do so.

Right now, I'm trying to get as many things done as possible while I still have the time to do so. Despite my burst of motivation, I'm not really into writing right now since I spent a lot of time thinking about what to write about my OCs earlier, so writing this blog page is an effort, not necessarily the best look for the first real entry of this thing lol

So with all that out of the way, I might as well just write how I feel right now on the blog page since I do need to do something with it.

I guess that this is it for today, I hope that next time I'll write a better entry, but I still have time until then.

Goodbye for now, reader.

- Kronoschus
an image of a black shark-like anthropomorphic figure with cyan highlights over their body.Look back?